High Holy Days Schedule 5780

Days of Awe 5780

This year, our services will be led by Rabbi Heidi Hoover and our new Associate Rabbi/Educator, Alexis Pinsky. Music is especially important to our High Holy Days. In addition to our two rabbis, who sing wonderfully, our Cantorial Soloist Nonie Schuster, Accompanist Maxine Feldman and our excellent community choir will add beautiful music to our inspiring services. All services will be livestreamed for those who cannot attend in person.

The High Holy Days schedule is as follows:

Selichot………………………………………………………..Saturday, Sept. 21st, 7:30 PM  

Rosh Hashanah

Erev Rosh Hashanah……………………………………………….Sunday, Sept. 29th, 8 PM

Morning Service – Day 1………………………………………….Monday, Sept. 30th, 10 AM

Children’s Service……………………………………………….Monday, Sept. 30th, 1:30 PM

Tashlich – Day 1……………………………………….Monday, Sept. 30th, approx. 2:30 PM

Morning Service – Day 2……………………………………………Tuesday, Oct. 1st, 10 AM

Tashlich – Day 2………………………………………….Tuesday, Oct. 1st, approx.1:30 PM


Yom Kippur

Kol Nidre……………………………………………….Tuesday, Oct. 8th, 7:30 PM promptly

Morning Service…………………………………………………Wednesday, Oct. 9th, 10 AM

Children’s Service/Study Session…………………………..Wednesday, Oct. 9th, 1:15 PM

Yizkor/Afternoon Service/N’ilah……………………………..Wednesday, Oct. 9th, 2:45 PM

Community Break the Fast………………………………………Wednesday, Oct. 9th, 7 PM

Last year we tried something new with the tickets for the High Holy Days — a combination ticket/name tag. This worked well and the tickets you receive this year will again be the combination name tag and ticket. When you join us for services, we ask that you wear the name tag around your neck using a lanyard, which will be provided. It’s always nice to start a conversation knowing someone’s name, and to have a quick way to check if you think you’ve forgotten it.

Because of the larger size of the congregation, and the limited seating, we will be checking tickets at the door. Therefore, it is important that you bring your tickets with you. Please note that children’s services and Yizkor services will be open to the community and tickets are not required. If you do not have your tickets, please check in with the ushers upon arrival.

A limited number reserved seats are available; people with reserved seats will have the seat numbers on their tickets. Everyone else will have a regular ticket and can sit in any unreserved seat. Every effort will be made for family groups to sit together, but priority for reserved seats will go to those who need a particular accommodation.

Our two Tashlich services last year were a success and we will be continuing this practice this year. The first Tashlich service will be on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and will take place at the lake in Prospect Park. The Tashlich service on the second day of Rosh Hashanah will be held at the Salt Marsh Nature Center at Marine Park. This means that people who could not attend Tashlich because of the long walk to Prospect Park now have the opportunity to participate.

We look forward to spending the High Holidays with you as we begin a new year together.