Multi-Access Services
Multi-access services at B’ShERT • Friday June 4, 2021 and Saturday June 19, 2021
Contact us at (718) 282-1596 or
As we think about when and how we might re-open B’ShERT for in-person services, we are planning two services in June that will be multi-access: Those who are comfortable coming in person may do so, and the services will also be on Zoom. We are still feeling cautious and working out how to begin coming together in person again. Please be patient as we work together to keep all of us as safe as possible.
These are the protocols for in-person attendance:
Fully-vaccinated people will be asked to show proof of vaccination when entering the building.
Fully-vaccinated people will be asked to wear a mask when walking around in the building, but may remove masks if they choose while seated in the sanctuary.
People who are not vaccinated will be asked to wear a mask at all times while in the building.
There will be a seating section in the sanctuary for those who are vaccinated, and a separate section for those who are unvaccinated, with appropriate physical distancing.
For these first ventures into coming together in-person again, we are asking you to sign up in advance so that we know how many people to expect.
Please click the link below to sign up for the Services/Study you will attend. (B’ShERT Members only please)
Friday evening, June 4, 7 pm poetry study and/or 8 pm services.
Saturday, June 12th – 10:30 am – Shabbat Services outdoors at the Marine Park Salt Marsh Nature Center, 3301 Avenue U. Bring a lawn chair, sunscreen, picnic lunch if you wish. Bring a friend! No advance sign-up necessary. We will follow the CDC guidelines regarding social distancing and masks. In case of inclement weather, services will be held over Zoom.
Saturday morning, June 19, 9:45 am B’Yachad and/or 11 am services.
Brotherhood & the Brooklyn Cyclones — August 8!
June 20, 2021 by miketrose • Affiliates, Features
Brotherhood Sponsors a Family Outing
Jewish Heritage Day!
An Afternoon in Coney Island
Maimonides Park on the Boardwalk
Free Cyclones Cap to all attendees!
Sunday, August 8th Game time 4 PM
(Gates open at 2:30 pm)
Tickets $20 ($15 for kids under 13)
Checks payable to Brotherhood of B’ShERT or order online here.
We have a limited number of tickets – get your orders in quickly.
Contact: Shelley Greenberg at (917) 407-1043 or Gene Guskin at (917) 533-6231 or Alan Zarrow at 917-855-9686