Religious School for 2024-25 begins September 7! Fill out our interest form for more info, or schedule a time to speak with our Education Director, Jessie Sander.
Ready to enroll? You can complete your enrollment form online now or at our September 7 kickoff breakfast.
About the Educator
Jessie Sander (she/her) is a Jewish special educator who works in synagogues and alternative Jewish education programs in Brooklyn. She holds a degree in Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies from CUNY Hunter and a Master’s of Teaching Students with Disabilities from Pace University. Jessie is currently studying at Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership to receive a Master’s of Jewish Professional Studies. Jessie is committed to creating more equitable, accessible, and anti-oppressive Jewish spaces for people of all ages. She lives in Midwood with her two cats, Pascal and Felipe.