

photo by Ken Brown
photo by Ken Brown

Your home for Jewish Education is just around the corner.

Religious School for 2024-25 begins September 7! Fill out our interest form for more info, or contact our office to speak with educator Jessie Sander.

Ready to enroll? You can complete your enrollment form online now or at our September 7 kickoff breakfast.

B’ShERT offers a full religious school curriculum from K through high school graduation including Bar/Bat Mitzvah (b’nei mitzvah), Confirmation, and a post-Confirmation high school program. Adults of all ages learn with our Adult Education programs, our Intro to Judaism classes, trips and museum visits, and special events with authors, academics, artists, culinary experts and more! Study for conversion is one on one with our Rabbi by arrangement. High school and college students can gain valuable volunteer experience through our Madrich/Madricha school assistant program. There’s something for everyone at B’ShERT!
B’ShERT’s Religious School is a welcoming and inclusive program that provides our children with an understanding and love for Judaism and its traditions. Children learn to appreciate the richness of Jewish heritage and to embrace the values of the Jewish faith. 
Shabbat morning classes focus on community-building and Jewish learning in a lively, interactive setting. The curriculum is expeditionary-style on a three-year cycle.
  • 2023-24 Curriculum: Bible Stories
  • 2024-24 Curriculum: Global Jewish Traditions

Religious School Schedule

  • Saturday Mornings: All students through Brit Mitzvah attend class on Saturday mornings, including Shabbat services.
  • Mid-Week Hebrew: Students 8 years + up have midweek Hebrew instruction, usually delivered via distance learning on Zoom. Hebrew instruction is delivered chevrutah-style, with pairs of learners working intensively with the instructor. Direct instruction is supplemented with online games, quizzes and worksheets.
  • Weekday Evening Confirmation: Post brit mitzvah students follow a two-year curriculum of study directly with Rabbi Hoover
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation includes direct instruction with Rabbi Hoover, scheduled privately with each student.  

We approach every child as an individual—from personalized Hebrew instruction to enabling them to help conduct Shabbat morning services. Our focus on each child successfully integrates children with special needs.

If you are interested in enrolling your child, fill out our interest form or call the office. You can also enroll directly via our online portal or at the kickoff breakfast. 

Questions or comments? Please let us know. You can also reach our educator, Jessie Sander, at educator@bshert.org or via our office.

Adult Education at B'ShERT

Do you consider yourself an adult? Do you still love the wonder of learning? Then do we have something for you!

For more information, call the Temple Office at (718) 282-1596 or email office@bshert.org.

B’Yachad: Together— Discussion for Adults. Led by Rabbi Hoover. Saturdays at 10 am, adults of our community gather to discuss topics of interest. We learn more about each other and explore our various responses to the events in our lives and the world. The B’Yachad sessions are hybrid, and may be attended on Zoom or in person (COVID vaccination proof required).

Introduction to Judaism Class

Rabbi Sue Oren leads our community Introduction to Judaism class, co-sponsored by B’ShERT and many other Brooklyn congregations.

The curriculum is designed to give you access to concepts, vocabulary and observances that are central to Judaism. Explore the holy and the historical, inherited texts and contemporary issues, rhythms of the calendar and of our lives in this seminar-style course. All knowledge levels welcome!

Contact Rabbi Oren for registration details at introclass@earthlink.net.

B’ShERT Book Club is hosted by members to discuss books with Jewish themes or Jewish authors.

Contact the Temple for dates, titles and Zoom links! Free to attend.

Torah Study: A deep dive into Torah using the JPS Commentators’ Bible with lively discussion and debate (and often laughter). Dive in anytime!

Thursdays at 1:00 pm, led by Rabbi Hoover. Contact the office for the weekly Zoom information.

Shiurim (Study Sessions): occasional lessons/discussions on Jewish topics. Past Shiurim have included sessions on holidays, current events, and ethical issues.Check the Temple calendar for dates.

About the Educator

jessie sanderJessie Sander (she/her) is a Jewish special educator who works in synagogues and alternative Jewish education programs in Brooklyn. She holds a degree in Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies from CUNY Hunter and a Master’s of Teaching Students with Disabilities from Pace University. Jessie is currently studying at Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership to receive a Master’s of Jewish Professional Studies. Jessie is committed to creating more equitable, accessible, and anti-oppressive Jewish spaces for people of all ages. She lives in Midwood with her two cats, Pascal and Felipe.