The Legendary B’ShERT Purim Carnival! Megillah Reading! March 15!

There is nothing more fun than celebrating Purim with B’ShERT.

Kids in Purim Costumes
Getting ready for the costume parade!

Join the B’ShERT community for a day of Purim celebration on Saturday, March 15. Here’s what’s in store:

11 am – Family Megillah Reading our rowdiest even of the year, with lots of noise and laughter and costumes, followed by the…

12:30 pm – PURIM CARNIVAL!!!!

This afternoon extravaganza will feature:

  • Carnival Games: Rubber duck water table fishing, jelly bean count, fishbowl penny drop, beanbag toss, ring toss
  • Arcade prizes kids can “buy” with their game winnings
  • Food: Pizza, hamantaschen, juice, pretzels
  • Costume contest, judged by our very own Jessie Sander, Education Director
  • Raffle

Can’t wait to see you there!



Megillah reading and Purim Shpiel
Hijinks and mayhem as we tell the story of Esther and Mordechai’s triumph against the evil Haman!