Tu B’Shvat Seder Saturday, February 8th

Friday, Jan. 31st – 10:00 am – Tot Shabbat for children 5 years old or younger and their caregiver.
7:00 pm – Torah Study. This week’s Torah portion is Bo, Exodus 10:1-13:6. If you would like to study the portion beforehand, go to: http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0210.htm#1
8:00 pm – Shabbat Service.
Saturday, Feb. 1st – 9:45 am – Religious School.
9:45 am – Parent Workshop.
11:00 am – Shabbat Service.
Monday, Feb. 3rd – 7:30 pm – Israeli Dance, $10 pp.
Tuesday, Feb. 4th – 1:00 pm. Afternoon Torah Study – Led by Sam Silverman. The class is currently studying Josephus’ “Antiquities of the Jews.”
Wednesday, Feb. 5th – 7:00 pm – The Temple evening book club will meet at the home of Bonnie Greenbaum. This month’s book is “The Art Forger” by B.A. Shapiro.
Thursday, Feb. 6th – 7:00 pm – Purim Shpiel Rehearsal. Rehearsal will start tonight and every Thursday until our Purim Shpiel, which is set for Monday, March 9. This year we’re using the music of Elton John. Get involved in this fun holiday spectacle! You do not need to come to every rehearsal, but you do need to come to a few of them.
Friday, Feb. 7th – 10:00 am – Tot Shabbat for children 5 years old or younger and their caregiver.
7:00 pm – Torah Study. This week’s Torah portion is B’shalach (Exodus 13:17-17:16). If you would like to read the Torah portion beforehand, go to: http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0213.htm#17
8:00 pm – Shabbat Service.
Saturday, Feb. 8th – 9:45 am. Religious School.
9:45 am – Tu b’Shevat Seder. Celebrate the birthday of trees at our Tu b’Shevat Seder. There will be a light brunch at 9:30 am.
11:00 am – Shabbat Service.
Rabbi Deborah Prinz will speak about “Jews On the Chocolate Trail,” a delectable journey through the religious history of chocolate; exploring the surprising Jewish and other religious connections to chocolate. Rabbi Prinz draws from her world travels on the trail of chocolate to enchant chocoholics everywhere as she unwraps the role of religions in the trade, retail and manufacture of chocolate since it was first introduced to Europeans. Explore the surprising connections to chocolate in this gastronomic adventure.
Date: Sunday, May 3, 2020,
Time: 4:00 PM
Place: Banquet Hall
Admission: $18.00 – Adults
$ 5.00 – Children 13 & under
(payable to temple office or via Eventbrite & Facebook)
There will be plenty of chocolate stories, treats and books to enjoy along with book signing.
The World Zionist Congress elections are here, and it is time to have our voices heard in Israel! Each and every vote from our congregation is crucial to maintaining a strong Reform presence. This is our chance to speak up for the Reform Movement in Israel. Together we can grow our Reform Movement and works towards making progress on the issues we care about: religious freedom, equality, peace, and many more. (Read more on the URJ blog.)
Voting is open now until March 11, 2020. Your vote in this election is the only democratic opportunity you have to influencer Israeli society. Vote for the Reform ticket: ARZA Representing the Reform Movement and Reconstructing Judaism. Vote now at this link.
Should you have any questions or need assistance in voting please contact ARZA Chair Tamara Kerner: trkerner@gmail or 718-714-4405.
Please join us on Friday January 24 at 7 pm and/or Saturday January 25 at 9:45 am for our Esther Bibliodrama shiurim — the kickoff to our preparations for Purim! Your contributions and ideas will help provide the creative seeds for this year’s all-new and original Purim Spiel.
With a special performance by tenor
Friday, January 17, 2020
Led by Mady Kaye and Susan Sysler
Music by Nonie Schuster Donato
Readings by Social Action Congregants
Dairy Potluck and Torah Service
Friday, January 10, 2020
Join us for the first potluck of 2020!
Temple provides pizza and pasta… you bring a dairy / vegetarian side dish or dessert — and of course, your engaging conversations.
Potluck – 7:00
Torah Service – 8:00
Join us alongside UJA-Federation of New York, hundreds of organizations and congregations, and thousands of participants for the Solidarity March tomorrow! Meet at Temple at 10 am on Sunday January 5 to ride the subway into Manhattan. #NoHateNoFear
Shabbat Across America, Feb 28
January 31, 2020 by miketrose • Features
Come Join Your Temple Family and Friends as we
Celebrate Shabbat Across America
Friday evening, February 28 at 7:00 P.M.
A dairy meal will be served
Shabbat Services to follow.
Dinner will be $10 pp /Children under 13 are free
Reservations must be in by February 24
Checks made payable to B’ShERT