Sunday, Dec. 1st – 9:00 am. Brotherhood meeting.
11:00 am – Jewish Cultural Committee Activity. Book discussion on Mark Twain’s book The Innocents Abroad at Temple, followed by a trip to the New York Historical Society (170 Central Park West) to see the exhibit “Mark Twain and the Holy Land.” $22/adult, $17/senior, educator, $13/student. Brunch at the Historical Society (not included in fee). Join us for one or both. Contact Yvette Pomeranz for more information.
Monday, Dec. 2nd – 7:30 pm – Israeli Dance, $10/person.
Tuesday, Dec. 3rd – Tuesday Torah Study – 1:00 pm. Led by Sam Silverman. The class is currently studying Josephus’ “Antiquities of the Jews.”
Giving Tuesday– You can express the thanks for the richness in your lives by donating to B’ShERT on Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3. The last time we participated, we raised over $2300 for the Accessibility Fund. You can support B’ShERT using one-click fundraising via our Facebook page ( If you want to set up your own fundraiser for Temple, just visit and get started.
Wednesday, Dec. 4th – 7:15 pm. Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting. Agenda includes reports on the state of Temple and the recent activities of its Committees and Affiliates. Time will be allotted for questions and suggestions. Please make every effort to attend.
Thursday, Dec. 5th – 7:00 pm – Choir practice.
Friday, Dec. 6th – 10:00 am – Shalom Shabbat for children 5 years old or younger and their caregiver.
7:00 pm – Brotherhood Shabbat Dinner – Brotherhood will supply chicken and kugel, you bring a non-dairy dish or dessert.
8:00 pm – Brotherhood led Shabbat Service.
Saturday, Dec. 7th – 9:45 am – Religious school.
9:30 am – Women of B’ShERT brunch and lecture. Guest speaker, author Lauren Belfer. Topic: “After the Fire”. Ms. Belfar will discuss her award winning Novel that traverses over 200 years of Jewish history.
11:00 am – Shabbat Service. B’nei Mitzvh of Aidan Miller and Tobias Dicker.
Jews, God and History – 4 pm on Sun., Dec. 8. For mature audiences. Reserve by contacting the Temple office or buy online at $25 if received by Nov. 27; $30 after Nov. 27.
Save the Date: Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Teach In: A B’ShERT Shabbaton with Sophia McGee and Dr. Shahar Sadeh. Dinner and session 1, 6:30 pm on Friday, December 13; Session 2, 9:30 am Saturday, December 14; lunch after services on December 14; Session 3, 2 pm on Saturday, December 14. We will learn about the current issues in the region, the origins of the conflict, and how the environment plays a role. You will get the most out of the Shabbaton by attending all three sessions, but you are welcome to attend as much as you are able.
What’s Happening: December 2019
December 1, 2019 by miketrose • Features
11:00 am – Jewish Cultural Committee Activity. Book discussion on Mark Twain’s book The Innocents Abroad at Temple, followed by a trip to the New York Historical Society (170 Central Park West) to see the exhibit “Mark Twain and the Holy Land.” $22/adult, $17/senior, educator, $13/student. Brunch at the Historical Society (not included in fee). Join us for one or both. Contact Yvette Pomeranz for more information.
Monday, Dec. 2nd – 7:30 pm – Israeli Dance, $10/person.
Tuesday, Dec. 3rd – Tuesday Torah Study – 1:00 pm. Led by Sam Silverman. The class is currently studying Josephus’ “Antiquities of the Jews.”
Giving Tuesday– You can express the thanks for the richness in your lives by donating to B’ShERT on Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3. The last time we participated, we raised over $2300 for the Accessibility Fund. You can support B’ShERT using one-click fundraising via our Facebook page ( If you want to set up your own fundraiser for Temple, just visit and get started.
Wednesday, Dec. 4th – 7:15 pm. Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting. Agenda includes reports on the state of Temple and the recent activities of its Committees and Affiliates. Time will be allotted for questions and suggestions. Please make every effort to attend.
Thursday, Dec. 5th – 7:00 pm – Choir practice.
Friday, Dec. 6th – 10:00 am – Shalom Shabbat for children 5 years old or younger and their caregiver.
7:00 pm – Brotherhood Shabbat Dinner – Brotherhood will supply chicken and kugel, you bring a non-dairy dish or dessert.
8:00 pm – Brotherhood led Shabbat Service.
Saturday, Dec. 7th – 9:45 am – Religious school.
9:30 am – Women of B’ShERT brunch and lecture. Guest speaker, author Lauren Belfer. Topic: “After the Fire”. Ms. Belfar will discuss her award winning Novel that traverses over 200 years of Jewish history.
11:00 am – Shabbat Service. B’nei Mitzvh of Aidan Miller and Tobias Dicker.
Jews, God and History – 4 pm on Sun., Dec. 8. For mature audiences. Reserve by contacting the Temple office or buy online at $25 if received by Nov. 27; $30 after Nov. 27.
Save the Date: Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Teach In: A B’ShERT Shabbaton with Sophia McGee and Dr. Shahar Sadeh. Dinner and session 1, 6:30 pm on Friday, December 13; Session 2, 9:30 am Saturday, December 14; lunch after services on December 14; Session 3, 2 pm on Saturday, December 14. We will learn about the current issues in the region, the origins of the conflict, and how the environment plays a role. You will get the most out of the Shabbaton by attending all three sessions, but you are welcome to attend as much as you are able.